Maintaining optimal gum health is crucial for overall oral health. While periodontists primarily manage gum disease, the field of endodontics also plays a vital role in supporting gum health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the connection between endodontics and gum health and discuss how endodontic treatments contribute to gum infection treatment.

The Link Between Endodontics and Gum Disease:

Endodontics focuses on diagnosing and treating dental pulp and root canal-related issues. Although gum disease primarily affects the soft tissues surrounding the teeth, it can also have implications for the health of the dental pulp and root canal system. In cases where gum disease progresses and reaches the root canal, endodontic intervention may be necessary to address the infection and preserve the tooth.

Endodontic Treatments for Gum Infection:

Root Canal Treatment:

Root canal treatment is a standard endodontic procedure that can be instrumental in treating gum infections. When gum disease advances to a stage where bacteria invade the dental pulp, root canal treatment becomes necessary. The infected pulp is removed during this procedure, and the root canal is thoroughly cleaned and then filled and sealed to prevent further infection. By addressing the source of the disease, root canal treatment can effectively eliminate gum infections and prevent their recurrence.

Re-Root Canal Treatment:

Sometimes, a previously treated root canal may become re-infected or fail to heal correctly. Re-root canal treatment, or endodontic retreatment, involves reopening the tooth, removing the existing filling material, and cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system. This procedure allows for the thorough removal of any remaining infection and provides an opportunity to address any issues that may have contributed to the initial treatment's failure. Endodontists can effectively treat persistent gum infections by performing root canal treatment and saving the tooth from extraction.

Apical Surgery:

Apical surgery, or apicoectomy, is a surgical endodontic procedure performed when an infection persists or recurs following root canal treatment. During apical surgery, the endodontist accesses the tip of the tooth root, removes the infected tissue, and seals the root canal to prevent further infection. This procedure is beneficial when a persistent gum infection is caused by an anatomical anomaly or a complex root canal system that cannot be adequately treated through conventional root canal therapy alone.


While periodontists primarily treat gum disease, endodontics plays a significant role in gum infection treatment. By addressing infections that have spread to the dental pulp and root canal system, endodontic treatments such as root canal treatment, re-root canal treatment, and apical surgery can effectively eliminate gum infections and preserve the affected tooth. If you are experiencing gum infection symptoms, it is essential to consult with a qualified endodontist who can provide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment to restore your gum health.